How to Improve the Questionnaire Translation with a Little Intelligence?

The market research work is quite challenging given to the continuous process of questioning people and knowing about the service quality or product quality o a particular product or service. Now each company prepares a specific set of questions that the telecallers or other employees will ask the customers over the phone or through door-to-door campaigns. Based on the result of the answers an average evaluation take place. The result is the present status of the product in the market. The Questionnaire Translation is thus a big job as you have to be very careful about each fact.

You cant Modify Anything

The questions are prepared after going through a thorough evaluation of the market condition. The marketing and sales team analyze the trend of the customers and the response of the customers to a particular product. Then the analysis is about what a customer wants from the product. The next set of questions aim to know whether the customer is satisfied with the features of the product. If yes then what additional things can make the product better will be the next area of concern. But in case of dissatisfaction, the company must know what changes does a customer expect in the commodity. This deep conversation is never possible if the approach is not through mother tongue use.

Stick to the Exact Questions

Translating the questionnaire does not give you the liberty to edit or modify any question as per your idea. All you have to do is to make a literary conversion of the questions from the source to the target language.

  • However, if you see that you won't be able to express the question well if you don’t elaborate a bit in the target language by adding a few words, you are welcome to do so. Being a part of the Questionnaire Translation Services by Professional, you have an idea about how many words you can roughly add to make the sentence meaningful.
  • You have the basic sense about framing o questions. In the madness of literal translation don’t forget that interpretation of meaning is also crucial especially for the questions as the customer should understand what you are trying to ask.


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